Happy Birthday Apache!
I was checking out the 10th anniversary press release
Several Apache projects also celebrated their 10th anniversaryand realised that Apache James is 10 years old this year as well. Way to go James Team, 10 years and we still haven't resorted to physical violence. Check the wayback machine if you don't believe me.
The top level project was established by the Board on January 22, 2003, with these ugly dudes on the 1st PMC:
Serge Knystautas
Danny Angus
Peter Goldstein
Noel Bergman
Charles Bennet
And I read the two documents The ASF was sent, I think I'm going to move to Oakland, or at least adopt their public holidays.
The Mayor of Oakland's proclamation that november 4th is Apache Software Foundation day wierd, but cool.
The Letter from Arnie. Question: Will he be back?